ΕΚΔΟΤΗΣJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The only constants in the current business environment are turbulence and change. When initially developed at Royal Dutch/Shell, scenario planning helped companies understand external change — change in markets, the competitive arena, technology, demographics and so on. In this book, Kees van der Heijden takes the art of scenario planning one giant step further. After showing you how to understand how the world around you is changing, he then shows you how to move your organization to meet the future by linking scenario thinking and your Business Idea in an ongoing strategic conversation. The result is a learning organization with the finely honed ability to track the marketplace and business environment. How Scenarios will help you think through the way forward, and keep you thinking as you move.

Understand the basis of an organizations success — articulate its central business idea
Break out of the organizations restrictive "thinking box" — take a wider perspective, scenaric view
Develop scenarios as alternative ways of interpreting the present — see beyond current range of vision
Become clearer about the many apparently unrelated developments — build a systemic framework using a story line
Be more secure with the future — understand uncertainty
Do it by using a practical methodology
Nurture and sustain an ongoing strategic conversation throughout the organization